Exclusive Dean Vaughn offer for HOSA members

Dear HOSA Chapter Representative:
You may have seen the Dean Vaughn ad in the November HOSA e-zine. If not, I wanted to call your attention to an offer that we’re extending only to HOSA members.
Our Dean Vaughn Medical Terminology 350 Online course is regularly $99.95, but HOSA members can save 70% now through the end of the year by using code HOSA70. That’s just $29.99 for a year’s worth of access!
Students will easily learn and retain complicated medical terms with the Dean Vaughn Total Retention System™. The Dean Vaughn approach combines visual and audio cues to help students break down common elements in medical terminology and understand terms they haven’t even learned yet. With this online course students will:
• Learn and remember the meanings of 350 prefixes, roots, and suffixes that combine to form over 11,000 medical terms in as little as 14 hours
• Learn without note-taking, repetition, or homework
• Learn without needing prior knowledge of medical terminology
For memory tips and other Dean Vaughn offers and updates, visit us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or tweet us @deanvaughntrs
Please share coupon code HOSA70 with your members before it expires on December 31st, 2015!
Thank you,
Laurie Motyka
Dean Vaughn Product Manager
Peterson’s, a Nelnet Company