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State Advisor Mentors American Samoa

Each year around the country, State Advisors change positions, retire, or move leaving a vacancy to be filled by a new State Advisor. National HOSA started a program for new State Advisors to be mentored by an existing, more experienced State Advisor. For the past three years, our own State Advisor, Shirlene Bender, has been a mentor to other Advisors. Again this year she was asked to partner with a special new HOSA Association as the mentor for American Samoa!

American Samoa, is an unincorporated territory of the United States located in the South Pacific Ocean, southeast of Samoa. American Samoa consists of five main islands and two coral atolls.

Pictured you can see Ms. Shirlene with Past National President Hugo Quezada and the American Samoa State Advisor, Ms. Sailitafa Samoa. Ms. Shirlene was able to spend some time with Ms. Saili at the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim getting to know her, and help her with the needs of forming a new state HOSA.

Now, Ms. Shirlene says, “If I can just figure out a way to go visit her!”

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