New Chapters and New Advisors Start Here
Read the Chapter Success Guide First
It is recommended that you have a meeting each week for the first 3-4 meetings. Then choose meeting frequency after that.
Any Chapters who affiliate the bulk of members by October 15 will be recognized as a HOSA-100 chapter and receive a certificate!
Step 1 Checklist
1. Relax. You've got this!
2. Print out the 2022 - 2023 Calendar at a Glance below and hang in classroom or email to all
3. Assign a trusted student to help you with everything.
3. Hang HOSA Posters in classroom/bulletin boards/hallways
4. Hang HOSA meeting dates in classroom/bulletin boards/hallways
5. Choose date for first 4 meetings. (weekly is best for the first month)
6. Announce HOSA meeting PSA in morning/afternoon announcements
7. Go on the website www.hosa.org and login. Register yourself as practice, using the Charter #
and password that was sent to you.
8. Correct the highlighted parts & make any changes needed of the Chapter Bylaws, and sign it. Send a copy to the state advisor.
9. You may use the link below to register. Instructions can be found in the Chapter Success
Guide or on the HOSA website when you log in.
If you have not already obtained the Charter # and Password , please contact HOSA at:
(800) 321-HOSA (4672) You will need this to affiliate members.
Step 1 Resources/Forms
3. Interest Posters (you may print your own, or contact HOSA and ask to have
Step 2 Checklist
1. Prepare necessary Interest/First Meeting Document
Step 2 Resources/Forms
Forms should be kept by you; submit the teacher agreement.
1. Interest/First Meeting Agenda/Script
2. Roll Call Log (use for all meetings)
3. New Member Registration Form
Step 3 Checklist
1. Prepare 2nd meeting documents
A. Agenda/Script
B. Roll Call Log
2. Hold 2nd meeting
A. Discuss Chapter Elections-take nominations.
B. Discuss Fall Forum
C. Discuss possible committees/each student sign up for a committee
3. Follow-up Email
Step 3 Resources/Forms
1. Fall Forum flyer
Step 4 Checklist
1. Hold 3rd meeting
2. Vote on Officers
3. Send out Officer parent letter
4. Be sure to send in the forms listed below (by deadlines)
5. Discuss the HOSA Cup
6. Meet with officers and do a Program of Work.
7. Complete Code of Conduct Assurance Form
8. Check the lahosa website often for updates and information
Step 4 Resources/Forms
3. HOSA Cup Point Form
5. Code Of Conduct Assurance Form
7. Program of Work - Optional Tracking Form
8. Officer Installation Ceremony
Now you are getting the hang of running meetings, you have members and officers, you have done a program of work and formed committees. Continue holding meetings as you see fit: weekly, twice monthly, or monthly. I recommend twice monthly, or every-other-week. Be sure to let the students do some of the forms and start taking responsibility.
That's it! Just keep going, do activities, give encouragement, and keep everyone involved. If you have any questions, call or text Shirlene Bender at 337-371-5974, or email at shirlene.lahosa@gmail.com
Have a FUN HOSA year!