Social Media Frenzy
1. Daily Theme
2. Post your Response to social media using the daily hashtags. Don't forget to # your chapter. Each day your chapter participates, your chapter will earn 200 HOSA Cup Points.
3. Check our Facebook Page to see if your response made our Top 5 List. Top 5 winners will earn an extra 100 HOSA Cup Points for their chapter.
Medical Monday
1. #HOSAMedicalMonday
2. Post anything related to medicine/health
3. Examples: cool medical facts, anatomy trivia, health professionals, etc.
Technology Tuesday
1. #HOSATechnologyTuesday
2. Post anything related to medical technology
3. Examples: dates of medical inventions, upcoming technology, or technology you would like to see happen, etc.
HOSA Watch Wednesday
1. #HOSAWatchWednesday
2. Post anything related to your HOSA Chapter
3. Examples: Chapter Activities, Alumni Updates, Special Recognition. We want to hear about your chapters!
Take Charge Thursday
1. #HOSATakeChargeThursday
2. Post anything related to areas in which you want to volunteer or take charge of
3. Examples: LLS Information, American Cancer Society, Volunteer Activities, etc.
HOSA Fact Friday
1. #HOSAFactFriday
2. Post any questions you might have related to HOSA