
Introducing HOSA—
Future Health Professionals
HOSA—Future Health Professionals recruits, identifies and employs a variety of methods to prepare qualified students for the health professions. Nationally, more than two million students—middle school, high school, postsecondary/adult, and collegiate – have experienced HOSA since 1976. In 2014-2015, 180,000 members in 3,900 chapters in 49 states and two other countries are enrolled in health science programs.
Louisiana HOSA is a young and fast-growing organization with 700 members in 27 chapters across 16 parishes.
The key to a successful HOSA chapter is the Health Science Instructor who also serves as the HOSA Chapter Advisor. HOSA is integrated into the classroom and the overall Health Science program to provide classroom and chapter learning experiences that greatly enhance the overall development of future health professionals.
HOSA is student-led so that members develop, practice and refine leadership and teaming skills which health care providers greatly value. The Competitive Events Program serves as a motivational and recognition tool to encourage HOSA members to perform at the highest level in the classroom as well as in local, state and national competitions. The 56 national competitive events are totally healthcare focused. HOSA-Future Health Professionals is 100% Healthcare!
Louisiana HOSA needs the help of the healthcare industry to be an investor and partner in building a pipeline of future health professionals who are motivated, goal-directed, and prepared to pursue the credentials required in their chosen specialization.
Thank you for your interest in Louisiana HOSA!